Finding your true-self… in the great outdoors


It’s easy to get stuck in our heads, carry on with the day without realizing that we’ve done nothing deliberate for our own mental wellness. You don’t have to workout or go running, to truly connect with the great outdoors. It’s simply waiting for you and the best part of it, is it’s free! Being outside is good for your health. The vast openness brings endless possibilities to your mindset and makes it one of the most uplifting resources at your disposal no matter where you are. If you don’t have time to jog, or create a picnic or walk the dog, just go outside.

Breathe. Inhale. Make a wish. Have gratitude.

Knowing that being outside increases my focus and outlook in life, I make time for it. It’s no irony that I’m outside most in the Summer and Winter months. As a travel blogger I take off Spring and Fall to get my kiddos situated at home – but once Summer hits, I can be found in the Caribbean Instagramming my heart away. Then Winter hits I can be found at the very top of the ski resort snapchatting my experience to the world. Breathing in fresh air and basking in the sun are my life lines.

I also live to be in the sun… Don’t worry I don’t bake or spend too much time in direct sun! From what I read, the sun in small doses is required for good health! According to Dr. Mercola, who writes about the many benefits of sensible sun exposure, believes the sun actually protects against melanoma. He says, “Paradoxically, outdoor workers have a decreased risk of melanoma compared with indoor workers, suggesting that chronic sunlight exposure can have a protective effect …While the sun has gotten a bad rap, being portrayed as little more than a skin cancer-inducing object in the sky to be avoided at all cost, it’s important to consider that exposure to UVB light is actually protective against melanoma (the most lethal form of skin cancer).” The article is fascinating read more here.


Clearly being outdoors in the sun in reasonable doses does a body good. Yay! Being outside allows my eyes to absorb the beauty of my surroundings. The crisp weather and warm sun feeds my soul. My most meditative moments are when I am on a ski lift. Throughout the ski day I probably ride the lift anywhere between 8 – 15 times.

Lifts rides are about 5-8 minutes long. That means I get roughly 64 minutes of meditation when I ski. No wonder I’m ski obsessed. It’s truly a magical feeling.

My warm wardrobe provided by #FeraStyle #SlopeToStreet
