Encourage Good Behavior in the Grocery Store

You’ve seen this scenario – a child running up and down the aisles with crying baby in the basket, and mom is trying to decide what to do – continue shopping or gather her kids up and go home due to embarrassment. Planting the seed and preparing children in advance is the key to successful outings. Before you head to the store, tell your little ones what you expect and make them your little helpers. Have them pick food and put it in the basket. Tell them to hold onto the basket so THEY don’t lose YOU. You don’t want to get lost in the store! You can always give them a treat – a bagel or a banana – to prevent them from getting antsy. If you know your kids are too hyper for a long shopping trip, take a few shorter trips throughout the week and get your basics. Little kids don’t have much patience, so try to set them up for success and make shopping fun.

For more great parenting tips, check out Kimberley’s book, www.TheGoToMomsGuide.com.