The Go-To Mom Talks “Branded Entertainment” with .TV crew – and she came this far with digital programming

Back in December 2006, I was the entire crew of my show. I’ve come a long way since then and I’m so thankful and energized at where I’m going. Thank you Verisign/.TV for the interview above!

Back in 2006, I wanted to film a TV pilot for cable called, “The Go-To Mom,” where I’d offer fun-loving and expert advice to viewers who were raising young children. I wrote a script, lined up the moms who were to be featured and looked for a Hollywood crew to film it. I had hopes of shopping it around.

I had a baby that summer and had no time to carry this out, plus my hubby got booked on a long job so I had no help. In frustration I set up my old Sony Handycam and began to film short 2-minute parenting segments. I hired a web tech to create a site for me. I loaded the first 12 shows and shopped them around to parenting destination websites. Within 5 months a few large sites bought my amateur shows. They liked the my credentials and that I was a licensed child and family therapist. It also helped that I loved to film video and kept the costs very low.

That model didn’t last for long. I couldn’t keep up with the work load. I priced my shows too low. I couldn’t pump them out as fast as I promised. Plus I was letting the sponsor own them at the time. Currently we license the shows and now have a pro crew. At first I was the writer, camera-gal, editor and host. Today I am the sole executive producer. I have many cameramen, editors, co-hosts, large scale sponsors and new sister site called www.MommytoMommy.TV.

What once was a frustrating attempt to create a TV pilot has turned into an amazing and very rewarding business. Twitter raised my visibility and inspired me to write a book called, “The Internet Mommy.” Since that book, Jossey Bass/Wiley Sons bought my last book, “Emotion Coaching Young Children.” I am so thankful for those who continue to be a part of my platform and my social media campaign. My children inspire all my creativity and I am so humbled by them. They are my greatest teachers. The moms who co-host with me are my greatest supporters and I know I’d be nowhere with them. Truly.

If you have not seen my shows! Please take a look. I’d love to hear from you! Where there’s a child, there’s usually a parent with a question…

My best,