Savoring Life’s Sweet Spot – Stop Killing Your Inner Guide

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“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” ~ Omar Khayyam

There is no perfect person or a perfect place to be. Living in the past keeps you continually stuck. Striving only for the future leaves you absence of today’s presence. Somewhere in between lies the meaning of life, the sweet spot. Yet, how do we strive to be the best when we have issues or wounds from the past? How can we say that we’re trying our hardest if we don’t plan for the future? Where is this in between? We have choices when we walk our unique road — we can stumble upon the rocks, walk around the rocks or clamor down upon the rocks. Thinking that we do not have a choice is where we go wrong. It’s our awareness that makes us deliberately conscious on how we walk the path laid ahead.  How much pain can you endure? The more psychic pain you can experience the sweeter the after moments will be. When we put off feeling emotional pain or resist opening and dealing with our baggage we lose opportunities for joy. The more skeletons we shove in the closest the less room we have for happiness and god-given authentic living.

As Oprah says, “There is no such thing as luck.” Opportunities only come to those who are prepared  — prepared for their life destiny. When external noise and superficial issues become distractions we loose site of the shore. When we lose site of the shore, we disconnect from our purpose, our dream and our destiny. Our destiny is out of reach when we believe we don’t have choices. What are your distractions, the things that keep you from being prepared? I ask this because when you’re ready life comes. It’s comes big, it comes ready to deliver all you deserve and desire. The longer you’re willing to keep your hands tied behind your back the more likely you’re a believer of luck. Just like the lotto players say, “If I’m lucky, I’ll win.” That’s not how it works. What we all desire is NOT right in front us – it’s inside of us. It’s our job to tap into that energy and insight. I ask again…what are your life distractions? And what are you willing to do to live your destiny?

 My goal today is to live a state of grace and lightness. I will not invite struggle or drama. I will say yes more and smile often.