Mom Blogger Experts… How I Connected with Social Media Influential Moms and Created A Circle of Support

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First things first, “Yes, I do sleep.”  Why does everyone ask me that?  I am a content creating machine.  Although, at one time, all I wanted to be was a baby-making machine. I want to thank my two boys for being so scrumptious and my hubby for supporting me and believing in my Go-To Mom Platform from the very onset.  I would not be the confident Go-To Mom that I am today if it wasn’t for my sister for her insistence that ‘everyone needs me.’  As my kids grew older and I became more involved in launching my online business, I realized that I owe so much gratitude to the ‘circle of women’ I met online and have grown attached to.  I started my Internet endeavor completely alone.  However, I continue to produce and flourish within a group of brilliant and fascinating women who all work and play online.  I even wrote a book about it, see video above, It’s called  The Internet Mommy.  I am in awe of how the Internet can change lives and truly touch the human soul.

I am a woman, a daughter, a wife and a mommy.  I am a former preschool teacher gone shrink. I have two young children and middle-aged (Hot Texan) husband. I am simply obsessed with cats, but only have two. Before I go to bed at night I always wash my feet.  I am a good friend to about six women.  I am great acquaintance to many.

I love video production and see life through a camera lens.  If I wasn’t a shrink I would of loved to have been a country singer.  I have a bad singing voice but children really like to listen.

I have been working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and families since I was 18 years old – I have done nothing but that.  I am a mom vlogger, an online mommy personality, author and licensed child and family therapist.  Before I officially went ‘online’ as the Go-To Mom, I was a therapist with a specialty in working with victims of abuse and an employee for local and national government grantees.

I fell into the blogosphere three months after my second child was born in December 2006.  And here is my story….

There are roughly over 400 million web surfing moms and I am one.  I know why I am online – it’s my business.  The Go-To Mom.TV is an effective venue to carry out my positive parenting campaign.  I am now a small corporation in 2012. However in 2006 I didn’t spend a drop of money on advertising.  I created the Go-To Mom campaign to help American parents become more confidence about the way they raise their children.  However, I did find a way to generate revenue online.  After a year of trial and error and signing some really crazy contracts, I learned that as an expert video content provider, I rightfully deserve compensation.  I just needed to figure out the best model.

My goal was to engage parents, magazines and web publishers to let them know that I was on the virtual map. They must of have thought, who is this chick in her kitchen making playdoh on video?  Back in 2006, there were only a small handful other grassroots mommy shows when I launched.  Now there are tons and if you count ‘vlogging’ (blogging on camera) then the numbers are endless.

The Go-To Mom.TV site generates revenue through video sponsorship, licensing and distribution.  I license particular shows out to web publishers for a set amount of time.  I generally do not conduct product reviews unless it is an item that I truly love and use in my home on a regular basis.  A lot of this work has opened the ‘spokesperson’ door for me as well! Back in 2007 I wrote and shot and edited the shows.  Today I have a few cameramen/crews and editors.  My shows are syndicated on over thirty parenting/family websites for optimal exposure.  If you combine the visitor statistics of all the twenty sites it roughly comes out to over 2 million. My site URL gets roughly 100,000 page views and 35,000 unique visitors per month. I’m the very first Google + family community partner and have over 105,000 followers.

The moms I met online over the last few years have changed my life. Some are now very close friends, which I refer to as the ‘circle of moms’  – I have bumped into them on Twitter, Facebook, from Google Alerts, by being a fan of their blogs, or by directly contacting them for potential projects.  No hard work goes unseen.  As a producer of women and family online content, I regularly make a habit of watching how moms conduct their lives online.

There are many amazing moms doing impressive things online – so much that I must admit, at times I find myself green with envy.  Instead of stalking these fabulous women or secretly reading their blogs, I send them a direct email complimenting their business.  Many of the women in in this circle have visitor statistics of well over 500,000 per month, make good money, have high caliber advertisers, large publisher book deals or are highly regarded for their advocacy efforts around motherhood.  All the more reason to bring them into the ‘circle of moms.’  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that in order to run successful business or social marketing campaign, it is a good idea to surround yourself with brighter, smarter, and more successful people. Plus, moms rock!

What is ‘circle of moms’ you are asking?  They are the women who have a successful online web presence.  There are few moms I collaborate with who don’t generate big revenue from their online endeavor (yet!), but who clearly impact many families with what they offer. Each mom I’ve met online has freely and wholeheartedly shared information with me to help jump start and scale my platform. A few of the moms who have leaned over the cliff to give me a hand up  and who still offer unconditional support are:

Michelle Lamar –

Beth Blecherman –

Jennifer James –

Sheila Dowd –

Megan Calhoun   –

Sarah Auerswald –

Leah Segedie –

Erica Diamond –

Audrey McClelland –

Tania Reuben –

Janice Croze –

Elisa All –

Jyl Pattee –

Colleen Padilla –

Katie Dillon –

There are so many other social media moms that should be mentioned in this post, but being brain-dead from my travels, I can’t list them all! If you are one of those moms who should have been mentioned, please feel free to email a video or a raging text at how incompetent I am!   I plan on producing video segments and online shows about moms who work and play online for the rest of my life. Feel free to tweet me @TheGoToMom. I would love to hear from you.

Kimberley Clayton Blaine, MA, MFT  — -The Go-Tom