Binky patrol: Understanding your child’s love of the pacifier

If you think your kid is going to be taking their pacifier off to college with them, think again! Most children give up their pacifiers before they are three years old. As children grow older, peer pressure becomes more of a factor and may actually be all the incentive a child needs to let go of their treasured pacifier.

A pacifier provides a serene state of calm for infants and young children — and The American Academy of Pediatrics states that pacifier use can actually prevent SIDS –sucking on a pacifier forces the airway to stay open. Pacifier use is now recommended at nap time and bedtime throughout the first year of life.  A Binky, or pacifier, is also a transitional object that helps relieve stress as children adjust to new situations.

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Policy on Oral Habits, thumb sucking or the sucking on pacifiers is normal in infants and young children.

With my first son I took the paci away when he was nine months old, but he had a very calm temperament.  However, I now have a 2 ½ year old who still has his paci.  He has a very high-energy temperament and is not easy to console, but once he has his soft blanky and paci he immediately calms down.  What mom doesn’t need that kind of help every now and then?

If you are concerned about prolonged pacifier use and would like more in depth tips on how to slowly decrease pacifier dependency check out Kimberley’s book,