6 Signs of Highly Optimistic People


“Optimism doesn’t wait on facts. It deals with prospects. Pessimism is a waste of time.” – Norman Cousins

Optimism allows people to see beyond the present and take ownership of the future. This learned way of thinking + feeling gives you ownership of your decisions and outcomes. Everyone uses both optimistic and pessimistic styles of feeling + thinking, some tend to use one more often. An optimistic outlook increases the pool of choices and the opportunity for success. This provides a solution-oriented approach, helps you innovate, and allows you to engage others’ positive energy.

Highly optimistic people are:

Great problem solvers
Reframe challenges as opportunities
Responsible for their failures and accept due credit for their successes
Undaunted by pessimism
Always unlocking their energy and full potential
Often achieve what some call ‘impossible’ goals 

Emotional intelligence improves effectiveness, relationships, health, influence, decision making, and quality of life. Young people with high EQ earn higher grades, stay in school, and make healthier choices (see more about EQ for education). Adults with high EQ have better career advancement, are more effective leaders and salespeople, and have better personal & professional relationships (see more about EQ for business). In other words, the learnable skills of emotional intelligence are central to personal and professional success.  Everywhere that people connect with others, everywhere that people need to juggle complex decisions, everywhere that people need to lead themselves and others — there are compelling reasons to develop and apply the science of EQ.

The 6Seconds.com model of EQ-in-Action begins with three important pursuits: to become more aware (noticing what you do), more intentional (doing what you mean), and more purposeful (doing it for a reason).

Know Yourself – Clearly seeing what you feel and do. Emotions are data, and these competencies allow you to accurately collect that information.

Choose Yourself– Doing what you mean to do. Instead of reacting “on autopilot,” these
competencies allow you to proactively respond.

Give Yourself – Doing it for a reason.
These competencies help you put your vision and mission into action so you lead on purpose and with full integrity.

Know Yourself gives you the “what” – when you Know Yourself, you know your strengths and challenges, you know what you are doing, what you want, and what to change.

Choose Yourself provides the “how” – it shows you how to take action, how to influence yourself and others, how to “operationalize” these concepts.

Give Yourselfdelivers the “why” – when you Give Yourself you are clear and full of energy so you stay focused why to respond a certain way, why to move in a new direction, and why others should come on board.

Information provided by 6seconds.orgIf you would like training, consulting, and development tools to get these benefits in your business, organization, or school, please contact them.